The nutritional value of a foodstuff is determined by its composition. Whether control sample during the production process or full analysis of a food, LUFA Nord-West offers you a comprehensive service according to your individual questions. On the following pages you will find information about our analysis spectrum in the field of sewing value analysis as well as the determination of additives, minerals or vitamins.
Nutritional values
According to the Food Information Ordinance (LMIV), prepackaged foodstuffs must be provided with a nutrition label. To calculate the nutritional values, the macro parameters fat, protein and carbohydrates as well as the salt content are required. LUFA Nord-West offers you a wide range of modern and inexpensive methods in addition to the classical methods for determining the above ingredients.
To improve their properties, food additives such as colouring agents, preservatives or thickeners are added. Below you will find further information on the extensive analysis spectrum of additives in food.
Humans have to ingest certain minerals with their food, which are essential for numerous metabolic functions. Depending on the daily intake, these substances are referred to as quantitative or trace elements. On the following page you will find further information about our analysis spectrum in the field of minerals.
Like minerals, vitamins belong to the group of vital food ingredients that must be ingested with food. A deficiency of these substances in the body often leads to serious health problems. The vitamin analysis of LUFA Nord-West offers you the possibility to have the nutritional-physiological value of your product competently analysed and evaluated under this aspect.
Point of contact

Weege, Björn
Ammerländer Heerstr. 115 - 11726129 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 441 97352-176